How to Earn CRED-ABILITY and Win Lifelong Customers

How to Earn Cred-ABILITY and Win Lifelong Customers

No customer is going to give you a sale if he or she doesn’t believe you’re going to make the right things happen. That’s why CREDABILITY is so important.

To earn it, you must:

  • Show how your value proposition will come true.
  • Demonstrate superior knowledge about the customer’s industry.
  • Be the customer’s best cheerleader.

To earn CREDABILITY, you need to:

  1. Demonstrate.

    A powerful way to prove your credibility is to show how your product or service is working for a current customer. Even better, let your customers show it off! There is simply nothing better than having a satisfied customer tell a prospective buyer that you and your company are great. Use it when you can. Since a customer demonstration is not always possible for a variety of reasons, you also can use a simulation to show how your product or service works. Create an environment that mimics that of your customer’s and show how you can make the value proposition come true in a simulated setting. It works.

  2. Educate.

    Customers don’t just want to hire you to deliver products and services — they want to learn from you. They want to be better because you taught them how. High level decision-makers learn early to hire employees to shore up their own weaknesses, and they are looking for the same from their suppliers. They pay for your product or service, but they also buy your knowledge. They want to do business with those who can educate them.

  3. Advocate.

    You want to be so good at what you do that your customers are proud to tell others about your work and you do the same for them. Such advocacy not only can open the door to new opportunities, but can help you turn clients into lifelong customers.

What are some best practices when you demonstrate, educate, and advocate?

You can get more sales tips by ordering Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities®.

©2017 Rick Wong, The Five Abilities® LLC



Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities