Win lifelong customers by being unreasonably accountable

  It’s critical that we understand the practice of RELIABILITY as it regards sales specifically and business in general, on our way to winning lifelong customers. It’s doubly crucial that we guard against the misconceptions that exist around this very important ability....

Seven essentials of a No Surprises culture

Customers are business people – they know that change happens. They know that plans are modified. Changes don’t make customers question our RELIABILITY – surprises do – whether good or bad....

RELIABILITY, from the start, earns us lifelong customers

We were approaching an important product launch that we hoped would address customer issues created by our current product. We had identified key customers who we needed to win before the launch in order for us to start with momentum. One of those customers was...

The Best Sales Ability for Creating Repeat Business

We live in a city that is prone to power outages. It’s just east of Seattle, Washington on top of a hill with a southwestern exposure. The houses on the edge of town, referred to as “the ridge”, have no protection against the wind. Even...

Demonstrate RELIABILITY always; You will sell more… always

In regards to business, many refer to RELIABILITY as something that is only applicable after the sale is closed. The following are common ways people think of RELIABILITY....

Executive decision makers buy from teammates not vendors

I bought my first brand new car when I was 19 years old. I was working three summer jobs, which included playing in a band, and I needed a hatch back to carry my gear. Two days after driving the car off the lot the...

Three things to KNOW, When you have to say NO

Sales people have to say no way more than they get to say yes. Saying no in a way that maintains your company's CREDABILITY, VIABILITY and RELIABILITY is something incredibly successful sales people do well because they genuinely acknowledge, comprehend and explain the situation in the customer's language. Learn how to ACE the NO....

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities