Win lifelong customers by being unreasonably accountable

  It’s critical that we understand the practice of RELIABILITY as it regards sales specifically and business in general, on our way to winning lifelong customers. It’s doubly crucial that we guard against the misconceptions that exist around this very important ability....

Creating a sense of urgency

You’ve successfully delivered your 30-second value proposition. Your customer has a suspicion of value and they’ve asked to know more. It didn’t happen in a formal meeting – of course. It happened at a tradeshow, a social event, a meeting on another topic, or a...

Seven essentials of a No Surprises culture

Customers are business people – they know that change happens. They know that plans are modified. Changes don’t make customers question our RELIABILITY – surprises do – whether good or bad....

Identify a Dream Customer with just four questions

The only thing worse than having no customer is having the wrong customer. The wrong customer takes more of your time and resources because they don’t have a clear view of what successful delivery looks like. They demand unrealistic requirements because they don’t know what...

“Complex problems usually have a simple explanation.” – Lew Platt

In spring of 1992, Lew Platt was named to succeed John Young as CEO of Hewlett-Packard. Prior to becoming CEO, Lew was the executive sponsor for our Boeing relationship. Those of us on that team were lucky to work with Silicon Valley’s low key, genuine...

Three successful paths to earning customer credibility (CREDABILITY)

Once we create a suspicion of value in the mind of decision-makers we earn CREDABILITY by showing the customer how we make our value proposition a reality. In earning CREDABILITY we’re evolving that suspicion of value to an acknowledgement of value. The three primary paths to...

Athletes and great salespeople – Peas in a pod?

Hiring great salespeople is a priority for any business. When clients ask me what to look for I give them three key traits that I see in great salespeople – they are natural helpers, great at relating to all kinds of people and they’re addicted...

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities