Three questions that earn you trusted advisor status

Advancing from seller to trusted advisor wins you lifelong customers resulting in years of repeat business and referrals. As an advisor you become part of the value that customers pay for. Advisors solve problems in a logical fashion that coalesces stakeholders and promotes collaboration. This...

You earn credibility in three simple ways

Decision-makers want to talk with people who are credible information sources. Whether a salesperson or CEO, if you are credible and have valuable information decision-makers want to talk with you. If you have not yet earned personal credibility you will not get a meeting with...

Salesforce Automation – Three things you get from it

Salesforce Automation (SFA) has been around for many years in various forms. For most of its existence it’s been a tool for large corporations with significant IT budgets and IT staffs. Recently, it was reported by GetApp®, a site that connects businesses with sales management software vendors,...

Sales is a numbers game… But…

…too many have a view that is too narrow to properly apply to the speed and mobility of business and business leaders of today....

Hiring Successful Salespeople: What to look for

Hiring successful salespeople is a priority for all companies. In my first week at Hewlett-Packard, Irene Bjorklund (GM Northwest Area) made a comment that has stayed with me throughout my career. Someone had asked her, “How do you know when a person will be successful...

Productive Paranoia: Five Abilities Selling

The best salespeople practice productive paranoia, and The Five Abilities guides that focus. They constantly ask themselves if they’re doing enough to beat the competition. “Have we done enough to win?” “Are we delivering better value?” “What have we left undone?”...

Top three motivators for great salespeople

Spoiler alert – Money is not a top motivator for salespeople that are consistently great. How to motivate sales people is a common debate among sales managers and compensation specialists. It’s commonly assumed that salespeople are money hungry individuals and that the more you pay them the better they’ll...

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities