The 30 second exchange that got me quarterly meetings with Michael Dell

You can run into decision makers anywhere and you always want to be prepared for an exchange that will gain you VisABIITY and CredABILITY. With the caveat that you always want it to be an appropriate time, I recommend you always have a 30 second exchange planned and rehearsed, even if there's the remote chance you'll run in to people who impact your business. The 30-3-30 (30 second, 3 minute, 30 minute) tool has always worked for me and this is a story of how that preparation and a chance meeting, got me quarterly meetings with Michael Dell...

Over-Pitching + Under-Relating = Lost CredABILITY & Lost Business

The customer has to be ready to listen before you can present. Relating to customers by being naturally curious about them, asking questions and listening with both your ears and your eyes, is the way to get them ready to listen. This is the formula for developing long-term CredABILITY and long lasting, productive relationships. ...

Creating need for your product or service in less than 30 seconds

If you unexpectedly ran into a key customer that you've been trying to meet with, do you know what you'd say to get them interested enough, in less than 30 seconds, to schedule that meeting with you? I call it the 30 second exchange and the goal is to get your prospect to be interested enough in you and your product to want to schedule time to learn more....

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities