Handling objections via consultative selling; Four simple steps

In almost all of my presentations and workshops, I get questions about handling objections. It’s a part of selling that is uncomfortable for many sales people. Since it comes up so often, I thought I’d blog my answer, which goes something like this…...

Consultative, collaborative sales closes – 3 reliable methods

In previous blogs, I’ve written that the best sales people rarely close. This is because when working collaboratively with the customer decision-makers; everyone knows when it’s time to move forward. See more at Great Closers Rarely Close...

Three reasons for a 3-second value proposition

In B2B selling, we never win on the first call. When meeting with a customer for the first time you have one simple goal: Get the second meeting....

Three steps that earn business VIABILITY with customers

In simple business terms, an investment proposal that forecasts profits is part of proving business VIABILITY. This is true whether it’s an internal proposal or a proposal from a sales person. However, given that it’s still just an idea that forecasts a profit, we still have...

CREDABILITY – Three sales best practices to earn credibility

CREDABILITY – Showing superior knowledge and experience At the core, in regards to sales, this is the ability to listen to the customer/client with responses and ideas that show you understand. Having comprehensive content and a compelling presentation is helpful but unless the customer/client feels...

What are the results of the best sales plans?

Since sales is all about assessing, prioritizing and focusing on the best next actions that earn the customer’s business, the best sales plans identify and specify immediate actions that move us forward. An obvious statement but a practice that isn’t consistently followed by even the most seasoned sales...

What does it look like to be winning the sale?

“If you don’t know where you’re, going any road will get you there.” This quote is often attributed to Lewis Carroll from his book “Alice in Wonderland” even though the exact comment was never made in the book or by Carroll. It’s really a summary...

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities