30-second value-proposition. What is it? How does it work? Can you do it? Yes—three tips.

What is it? – It’s the 30-second value-proposition that creates a suspicion-of-value in the mind of the person with whom you’re talking. It creates enough curiosity that they ask to know more. Once a person has asked for more information you’ve progressed from a pitch to...

Want to be successfully visible? Great salespeople do three things.

VISABILITY – Being seen in the right way, by the right people, at the right time....

Feed homeless children by buying children’s music

This is a departure from The Five Abilities® but it’s very important to all of us. You can help homeless families have a warm holiday by buying children’s music....

Sales is a numbers game… But…

…too many have a view that is too narrow to properly apply to the speed and mobility of business and business leaders of today....

The Buzz: Creator, Contributor or Consumer – Sell no matter what

Company leaders strive to create positive noise about their offering. They strive to be the topic of positive conversations. They want to create “buzz” for their company and offerings, resulting in heightened visibility and credibility. It’s a bonus when we get to sell for the...

The 80/20 rule for winning lifelong customers

The Pareto principle, or 80/20 rule, is well-known throughout many professions. It states that about 80 percent of the results come from 20 percent of the effort. This principle applies to sales in the area of opportunity management – 80 percent of our sales comes...

Creating a sense of urgency

You’ve successfully delivered your 30-second value proposition. Your customer has a suspicion of value and they’ve asked to know more. It didn’t happen in a formal meeting – of course. It happened at a tradeshow, a social event, a meeting on another topic, or a...

Winning Lifelong Customers with The Five Abilities